
Bored again

Heya guys!

Here I am again...

Got the questions from Candy Mag August 2004 issue.

Copied the questions that were asked to April Mande. And answered it all by myself on here.

Ready... Set... Go...

If you had an alias, what would it be:
-->hmmm... got an alias already. And it's funk_zyde.

If we wanted a glimpse of Airah, where could we find her:
-->in the waiting shed with my bestfriends after dismissal time... or in my room.

What wouldn't you eat unless your life depended on it(or if you were appearing in Fear Factor):
-->cockroaches and rats!!

What is your ultimate comfort food:
-->Burger McDo.

Are you a clothes/bag/shoe/makeup addict:

If you could be someone else for a day, who would you be:
-->Paris Hilton. I adore her so much.

If you were an actress and had to star in a movie, what flick would it be and what character would you play:
-->Julia Stiles in The Prince & Me, or Cameron Diaz in Charlie's Angels:Full Throttle

If you could travel back in time, is there something you'd like to change:
-->yeah. I'll speak for my current fave haircut so my hair wouldn't be this short and dull. I'll just have my hair trimmed and relaxed. That's all.

What book are you reading right now:
-->none. Although I love reading books, I still prefer reading teen mags right now.

What are the three things you can't live without:
-->family, friends, computer (in this order...)

What's in your Discman this month:
-->the CD burn

Do you remember the very first friend you made:

What's your cheap thrill:
-->surfing on the 'net and being able to get free web stuffs for my site

What's your fave girl-bonding activity:
-->cathing up on each other's lives

If you could have coffee with anyone (dead or alive), who would it be:
-->Paris Hilton, Oprah and my bestfriends

What do you think makes you a rockin' chick:
-->My smile, my feisty attitude and my brains

What would people be surprised to know about you:
-->i hate singing. Although, this isn't a surprise to my close friends. They know I haven't got the voice that's made for singing. Geez...

Who is your bestfriend/s:
-->Anna May, Hanz, Katy, Michi...

Any message for them:
-->Just wanna say thanks for always being there. And I love y'all so much!

If you can describe friendship as an ice cream flavor, what would it be:
-->rocky road. Because in friendship, we couldn't avoid having arguments... But those friendship who have surpassed every trials of time is indeed one hell rare!

What's the one thing you can do to make your lonely bestfriend/s smile:
-->listen to whatever they have to say. Coz I believe that listening to someone's problems is the best way to ease that someone's loneliness.
