Gah. I hate myself for being -- what's the right adjective? -- oh, never mind. Just count on me to type always the "wrong things". Go figure.
Anyway, I learned my lesson. Now, I'll try to keep things light and not get too personal.

Another template finished. This one is for Shannon.
Just a simple red template.
Zip file, details, etc.? Click here.
Btw, you already know that we, the Nursing students of MDC, are required to take summer class.
Actually, the first time I learned about it, talagang naasar ako. Iyong iba, enjoy to the max ang summer, tapos kami may pasok?! Sinong hindi maaasar don, right?
Pero ngayon, I've already accepted the fate of being a BSN student. (Drama!) Kidding aside, at least kami naabutan namin na 4 years lang ang Nursing, eh iyong ibang incoming?
I heard kasi from our STS Professor na 5 years na ang Nursing sa mga incoming freshmen students sa MDC. I dunno about the other colleges/universities. Pero diba?
*insert sinister laugh here*
Hehe.. Anyway, since we already have classes, I can't surf the net as much as I want to.
So the finale?
I'll be MIA. Hiatus. Whatever. ;p