No worries. I won't bore you with the rest of the details.
It's just that I've stained my white school skirt twice. That's right, twice!
First was when my friends and I were at KFC to eat our lunch then I ended up eons in the ladies' room wiping my skirt with wet KFC tissues. Second time around, it was five minutes before the class of our last subject was dismissed.
Drat, drat, drat. I'm sooo tired of sporting red juice stain on my butt monthly. My sophomore blockmates are so used to having me around with stains on my back that sometimes it doesn't suprise them anymore.
Good thing 2 people (1st was Yda I think & 2nd was what's her face, that 2nd floor MDC janitress) took pity on me and told me something about agua oxinada removing blood stain.
I'm not really sure about it but it wouldn't hurt to try right? Maybe by next month, I'll be able to check that one out.
Hmmm... Gross enough?
Go on. Be disgusted. I would if I were you.
I've finished constructing Damsels of Design. It's finally up. Yahoo.

I'm not telling you to click, but if you want.. well, this is a free planet.
Waaaaahh.. I'm beginning to hate the all-white layout of this blog. Same old, same old!
I wanted to move. God nooo! But I just don't wanna stick with Blogger forever. Although, I must admit my full confidence is in Blogger cause I know I won't wake up 1 day looking at an empty page.
Still I want to experiment with new things. Change of template perhaps? Moving to a new domain?
Well I'm not yet sure but let's see..