And oh, I would have shared that I'm reading another Sheldon novel, "The Doomsday Conspiracy" which was really one big hokey sci-fi btw, but no... that would be a total yawnfest.
Man, blogging becomes so very humdrum that even I find it really boring by now.
Why! I'm beginning to sound like an emo here. Never mind.
Look, all I'm saying is, or I mean, all I just wanted to say is that I finished another Blogger template.
No, it's not for sale. It's totally free. As in, Blogger template up for grabs. Real 100% freebie. =P
Yeah, yeah. I know. I'm terribly nice and generous like that. *guffaws*
So erm, now you know what takes up most of my time.
Sigh. I'm really quite addicted to designing. That didn't come out as a surprise, wasn't it? So here it is.

Preview and download this in the freebies page of Damsels of Design
I felt a real sense of achievement when I finished this one. Geez, I conquered Blogger Beta. Soon would be Wordpress. Yeah, I wish. =)