Oh, for the love of God. Just in case I didn't already have a headache.
"If you don't like it here, feel free to click the [x] located on the upper right corner of this screen." You know, I think I'll do just that.
Short. And bitchy. The type of review that could piss anyone. But not me. Coz I know better.
Me and some of my classmates in the middle of the atrium..
Me and Brent Javier in KFC (Me got starstrucked? Course not.. ;p

**edited (12-05-05) NOTE: I forgot to share that I already watched Just Like Heaven last Saturday (not that you will care, but I will tell anyway). A romantic comedy indeed. I loved David Abbott (Ruffalo)'s facial expression the first time he saw the ghost. Haha.. He's quite funny. He may not look that handsome but he's cool. I liked the way he delivered his lines. I also loved the way he called Elizabeth (Witherspoon) as Lizzie. Nice. And I also loved his facial expression when Elizabeth denied she knew him after she woke up from the coma (fyi, she had a coma for 3 months). Awww... Kaka-touch.
And of course, I love them both for having a great chemistry. *winks*