My former personal haven as a teenager. Now at my twenties, my very own book blog! :)
Somehow related to I'm-posting-about-not-having-anything-to-post-about crap.
Anyway, I just watched The Exorcism of Emily Rose. Hmmm... Isn't the woman playing the character of Emily Rose is the same person in White Chicks?
Oh. I'll be very busy with school-related things (e.g. homeworks, unit exams) today. A good excuse for crap bloggingTM.
THE END. (of crappy updates)
Just wanted to thank somebody
Know what? I actually think that last Monday (November 21) was my worst day ever. Here are some (two, to be specific) of the reasons why:
1. My left leg fell on a hole while we were currently outside the school grounds for a tree-planting activity. Goodness. And it's all because of my stupidity. I imitated a classmate who was putting her leg on the hole and acting as if she was about to fall. How really really stupid of me to imitate that feat! Coz until now, my classmates are still teasing me about that freakin' incident. Ack.
2. We (Ross, Yhel, Jecha, Thal, Rob and yours truly) were called by Mr. Zaratan, the discipline officer to sign our violation slips (my very first one, btw). Offense: "Noisy. Playing in the Nutri Lab". Good thing, it was only a minor offense. But still, oh my goodness. Really.
The game? Monkey-monkey.
And right now, I'm sure as hell that you're thinking "what the hell was that exactly?!", aren't you? Okay. For those people who are totally clueless (& also for those who keep on pretending to be an ignoramus).. FYI, it's the "You're it!" kind of game.
So.. What are you waiting for? Laugh. Out. Loud. (!!!) I'm expecting that. But please.. just please don't flood my comment box about the crap "You deserve to get that slip. Afterall, you're already a college teen now and you should be acting a bit more mature. In the first place, who told you to join the game?? It's for kids only, blah, blah, blah..."
I've had enough of it from the discipline officer and also from the people in the guidance office. So, quit it.. please.
>The other reasons were a bit more personal. And to be perfectly honest, I don't entertain the thought of sharing it here in my blog. Too personal. (And I'm sure you wouldn't give a damn about it anyway. Since it's not your problem, it's mine... ;p)
Yayness. Bullet straight to the brain. lol..
I was on my self-pitying woe-is-me mode when I went home from school the tiresome day before yesterday. I cried after I printed the schematic diagram needed for our Organic Chemistry Laboratory. Since I'm really close to my mom.. whenever I feel the familiar "bursting point" (a.k.a. "wanting to cry"), I tell her what's bugging me. That helps a lot.
And so that day, I shared all my misfortune with her. After I finish my I'm-so-unlucky monologue, I cried again. The second time I cried was different. It was as if tons of darn things was lifted off my chest. I said to myself, "Matatapos rin tong araw na toh. Matutulog ako mamaya tapos bukas iba na uli. Masaya na ako bukas, promise."
And I was right. Coz the next day was a totally different day. I feel sooo alive again.
Maybe, just deep in my heart.. the "Never bend your head, hold it high.. Look the world straight in the eye" thing is actually not my truest motto. I now realized that those simple Tagalog lines above (e.g. Matatapos rin tong araw na toh...), that I always say to myself whenever I'm really really in my downest moments, are actually my real philosophy in life.
And I thank God for giving me the strength to stand again on both feet. Since yesterday, I'm back to my old normal self again.
A.k.a. "the cheerful one".
I saw a list on the bulletin board (near the CAS) yesterday and found out that my name is not on the dean's list. Thank God. Instead, I saw my name on the President's list. I couldn't be any happier. *grins*
And of course, a.k.a. "the crazy one". (lol.. ;-p)
Dia: "Meron ka bang nailcutter?" (Do you have a nailcutter?)
Me: "Tingnan mo, haba nga ng kuko ko eh." (Look, my fingernails are long.)
I'm so like that.. replying to a question in a different answer.
Anyway, no animals were hurt while making this post. And just 2 glasses of water were consumed during the unknown number of hours it took me to type my thoughts into words.
Thanks for reading.
I haven't eaten my lunch yet. (Would you believe that??) I'm so hungry I could eat a whole pig. Well, now.. that's an exaggeration. Oh. To hell with exaggerating things (and grammar)!!! Right now, the only thing I want is to eat. As in EAT. (Making mental note to open the fridge the second after clicking "publish post".)
Till next time. ;p
Change is the only thing constant in this world
Anyway, meet Nini. Like what I've told you before, we've been friends for awhile.. to be specific, since the first day of the first semester. We've been through many ups & downs. Battled many ka-"shoongakzness" together. Etc.
Unfortunately, things change. And so do people. I just woke up one schoolday morning & realized that I'm alone. Literally. (But to clear one thing, we belong to the same barkada. But in every barkada, there will always "a pair". Two friends who are much closer to each other than anyone in the barkada. Geez. You know what I mean.) Actually, the "three is a crowd" (crap!) proved itself hard on my face when I was a 1st year highschool student. And unfortunately (again), until now.
You see, she's hanging out with another person. We're not as close as before anymore. So maybe, you're thinking about what's the point of blogging this when in fact, it's what life is all about. People come, people go.
My answer would be: Yeah. But some things are just so hard to let go. Especially if it touched a great part of your life.
For me, Nini is a nice friend. I admire her for many things. She knows what a good time management is. Schoolwork, house chores, boyfriend, etc. She knows how to deal with those.
Her father was paralyzed and just went back from the U.S. while her mother is a caregiver there. Life is hard, I know. But when she shares it with me, it became more complicated. But I know she can overcome her problems, coz she's a really smart person.
I even admire her doing all the washing of her clothes (uniform, etc) in the evening, and still getting high scores on the quizzes the next day. I mean, I can't even wash my undergarments (undergarments, my foot! Do you really have to type this and share this with the whole world wide web, self?).
Oh gawd.
Anyway, I'm happy to say I've found a new friend in the person of Yhel. But I'm not saying I'm losing Nini as a friend. She's still my friend. And she'll forever be. But in terms of hanging out aka "company ek-ek", I'll be spending more time with Yhel. (I think.) Since, we hang out more lately.
Hmmm.. It's been quite a long day. And I reckon it's already time for me to sleep.. I'm so tired that the only thing I could think of right now is to lie on my bed, dream of good things to come, wake up late the next day, etc.. Haha..
Seriously though, I really need to catch up my zzzzz's now so I'll have a great energy for the greater (i hope so) week ahead. ;-p
Sweet dreams to me. And goodnight guys!
Blah blah blah and blah...
1. Just watched Harry Potter GoF yesterday afternoon. One-word movie review: fantastic! Wahaha... ;p
2. Just ate a whole pack of Clover Chips. (so?!)
3. Just went to G4 awhile ago with my dear buddies; namely, Yhel, Thal and Jecha.
4. Just playing Alanis Morissette's songs over and over again (esp. the songs on her Feast on Scraps album *winks*).
5. Just feeling a bit tired.
Maybe, next time, I'll post something that's more "worth reading" than this. But don't worry guys, I'll still comment on your blogs once in a while.
Till next time! Still need to eat dinner. *hugs all of ya*
Harry Potter GoF :

A quickie...
(image below was from meandme96's album)

Oh gawd.
I knew it. Second semester will bring me lots of zits. *frowns*
"Dark and difficult times lie ahead, Harry. Soon we must all face the choice between what is right... and what is easy."

I had a good time

After visiting his grave, we went to Lipa, Mabini (still a part of Batangas). We put our bags and other belongings inside Tiya Leti's house. (Just a little info: Tiya Leti is my mother's godmother and she's an old spinster but she's super kind.)
We all chatted a little bit before we decided that we visit my Lolo Isko's land. It was so difficult to go in there. It's not a mountain but it was like we were climbing one. It was really steep and the yesterday's rain didn't help either. It just made things worst.
Mud. There was lots of mud. I was wearing a pair of my Havaianas that whenever I step, my other slipper just won't get off the ground. It was really hard. I saw Len-Len, my girl cousin, walked barefoot so I decided to walk barefoot also. Actually, if I only had my phone with me (I left it because it was low-batt), I would have took a pic of my feet swimming in mud. *grins*
Anyway, it was not as bad as you think. The only thing I wished while walking was that I won't ever get to step on a poop (ewww) or something. Gross.
Good thing, the journey turned out to be surprisingly wonderful. We washed our feet on a shallow river. That was the most amazing part of our journey. It was like we were in a Survivor episode or something. Cool. We even found a bukal. (I forgot the English term for bukal, sorry). At first, I was having second thoughts about drinking the water from it since I thought it was dirty but my Kuya Eric, another cousin, assured me that the water is pure since it came from the mountain.
The first taste of the water was invigorating. It was incredibly fresh and well, tasteless.
Minutes again and we reached Lolo Isko's land. Thank God. Anyway, it was vast. Unfortunately, the grasses were already high. I heard that Lolo's "right man" died already. I forgot his name. May he also rest in peace whoever-he-is. Anyway, there were lots of citruses everywhere. Dalandan, calamansi.. name it. There was also lots of sili, kalabasa, banana, etc. Each of us brought something while going back to Tiya Leti's house.
I was bored when we went back. So I turned the television on. But It was impossible to channel surf since there were no other channel than GMA 7. Oh God. And it was kinda hot too since there was no electric fan. For a province, I am not expecting an aircon in every house but I expect at least a single electric fan.. but I found none.
Her house was soooo many decades ago. (In fashion, sooo out).. It was made of woods, some of cement. The windows were like those windows during the Spanish regime. And believe it or not, there was not a single shadow of electric stove. Instead, she uses pots and forest woods for cooking.
For a girl who loved the comfort in front of a computer, the music from iTunes library, the feel of HBO, the thrill of blogging, staying in Tiya Leti's house was like staying on another planet. Oh gosh. I don't think I could ever survive living in that kind of house for straight one whole week. Much more for a month. The feeling was like I was entirely out of my element, like a fish out of water.
But you know what made my day the most? It was the hospitality. Maybe the house is short in terms of convenience, but Tiya Leti's hospitality was more than enough.
All in all, I had a good time.
Nah. That's an understatement. So let me rephrase it.
I had a great time. Really great time.

Elyssa-The powerful CEO is about to find herself powerless against the charms of a certain man determined to turn her life upside down..
Dana-She's a whiz at snappy greetings, clever rejoinders, and sweet sentiments. But there are no words to describe where love is taking the queen of the one-night stands..
Carole-She's just this side of jaded after the end of her miserable marriage. But as she's about to learn, the Y chromosome can still yield some satisfying surprises...
As for Robyn and Alix..
Between finding a Mr. Right who isn't all wrong and maintaining Allheart's booming business, they have their hands full keeping Elyssa happy, Dana calm, and Carole in line and under control. Wedding bells are going to be ringing for one of them soon, and they're all about to discover just what friends are for..."